Mansfield Press is sneaking into Montreal tonight for its third time in as many years, and launching new titles by Marko Sijan, Rishma Dunlop, Lillian Necakov, George Bowering, and Carey Toane. You’ll hear great readings by Sijan, Dunlop, and Toane and Gillian Sze will be our special guest reader. Hosted by Mansfield editor Stuart Ross, the place […]

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Rishma Dunlop on writing “Paris”
In this video for the Exile Writers Series Rishma Dunlop talks about writing the poem “Paris,” featured in her just released book Lover Through Departure, New and Selected Poems.

Reviewed by Spencer Gordon Mammoth Larissa Andrusyshyn DC Books, 2010 88 pages, $16.95 It’s not difficult to explain the enduring fascination of Gunther von Hagen’s Body Worlds exhibits. Using a technique called Plastination—a strange, exciting innovation in the field of anatomical preservation—the good scientist has erected a gallery of authentic human specimens arranged in lifelike […]
A History of my Body
by Michael Dennis Old wives would have you believe that your hair comes from your mother’s side of the family. Most of the men on my mother’s side of the family are bald. I’m fifty-two years old and still have a mostly full head of hair. It’s grey, almost white, with a few traces of […]
“But Never in this World is Odysseus Dead”: On David W. McFadden

by Alessandro Porco Why Are You So Long and Sweet? Collected Long Poems of David W. Mcfadden David W. McFadden Insomniac Press, 2010 240 pages, $19.95 You should be able to see a poet’s mind turning over, you should be able to know what he is thinking at all times … – The Poet’s Progress […]
Reviewed by Spencer Gordon Coming Ashore on Fire Michael Dennis Burnt Wine Press, 2009 135 pages, $16

Reviewed by Spencer Gordon Coming Ashore on Fire Michael Dennis Burnt Wine Press, 2009 135 pages, $16 Now these are poems I could get into, says my partner, who’s been reading Michael Dennis’s latest collection while I’ve been making dinner. They’re direct, easy to understand, emotional, she continues. They make me feel something, but it’s […]

by Melanie Janisse Unleashed Sina Queyras BookThug, 2009 168 pages, $20 “What would happen if critics chose to write from a position of wonder instead?” — Sina Queyras, Unleashed Dear Sina, My friend Ross McKie has been after me to read your book for some time now. So, when Denis asked me to review it […]
Guys Do It All the Time: On Meaghan Strimas’s A Good Time Had By All

Reviewed by Alessandro Porco A Good Time Had By All Meaghan Strimas Exile, 2010 88 pages, $18.95 Let’s just get this out of the way: I’m really digging Meaghan Strimas’s A Good Time Had by All (Exile, 2010). It’s a book filled with consistently good poems and a small few that are as high-quality as […]
Two Poems: A Peter Norman Preview
Recursion I fall awake alone. Outside, nocturnal rain ascends. Alarms rage, summoning a thief who hurries to the store, unpacks his duffel sack, replaces items on the shelf. Morning. The plane dispenses you. We enfold each other, celebrating your undeparture. Tears scroll up our cheeks, nestle into ducts. Last night we wake sweat-soaked and sated, […]