Jason Heroux
ISBN 978-1-77126-117-3
$17.00 CDN/USA
104 pages
Jason Heroux’s fourth collection of poems finds him in the laboratory. Working in free verse, more formal structures, and the prose poem, Heroux’s image-rich lines explore loss, death, angst—but with wit, an empathetic gentleness, and magic. And Hard Work Cheering Up Sad Machines culminates with several long poems and serial poems that take his work further than ever before. Read this book and you will never look at the ordinary—a cobweb, a cricket, a parking lot—in the same way again.
“Jason Heroux continues to develop his bold style through the delightful fusion of otherwise jarring images.”
—Jonathan Ball, Winnipeg Free Press
“Natural Capital is a helluva good read. I inhaled its 47 poems in one long breath—they left me excited and wondering exactly what it is that makes them so captivating.… Great book. I’d give it several major prizes all at once.”
—Rod Pederson, Arc
“Jason Heroux’s skill as an image-maker recalls Tomas Tranströmer.… In an ideal world, Heroux’s poems would be doled out monthly, one at a time. They would be slotted into the mailbox, or handed to us by some peculiar stranger on the sidewalk.”
—Nick Thran, Event
“At its heart, Heroux’s gift—however existential or surreally humanistic—lies in the transformation of ways of seeing the world, of analyzing it and of language. The poems themselves, in their unique ways of seeing, are humbling at the same time they are refreshing.”
—Cynthia Reeser, Prick of the Spindle