Your Turn

Carole Glasser Langille

ISBN 9781771262729

$18.00 CDN/USA  92 pages

There are poems in Your Turn that are political, outward-looking, recording inequities; others revisit literary and visual artists and other sections contain more intimate, personal poems whose theme might be summarized as the double self. Whether poems speak to those no longer here or the poet’s own mortality, Your Turn affirms our trust and conviction. In their surprising insights and language these poems wake us up.

Carole Glasser Langille is the author of four books of poetry, two collections of short stories, and two children’s books. She has been nominated for The Governor General’s Award in Poetry, The Atlantic Poetry Prize, and The Alistair MacLeod Award for Short Fiction. Her last book, “Doing Time” was a non-fiction book about giving writing workshops in a prison in Nova Scotia. She has given readings and workshops in France, India, South Africa, Hawaii, and in many venues in Canada.

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