Eva H.D.
ISBN 978-1-77126-121-0
$17.00 CDN/USA
108 pages
Shiner is Eva H.D.’s powerful successor to her critically acclaimed debut, Rotten Perfect Mouth, and includes the Montreal International Poetry Prize–winning “38 Michigans.” This is lyrical poetry that is as beautiful as it is angry, bracing in the sharpness of its observations. Whether noting the emotional effects of the financial crisis, the long tail of grief, or the unfolding panorama of a cross-Canada road trip, Eva H.D. measures the world around her in vivid, rambunctious, and musical excursions that ricochet with images and ideas—a surprise at every turn.
Praise for Eva H.D.
“… the collection Rotten Perfect Mouth is a miraculous calling forth of melancholy, but drenched with dry wit, very Toronto and deeply musical. Poetry find of the year, easily.”
—John Doyle, The Globe and Mail
“How does Eva H.D. write? Playfully, gamely: She understands that poetry can be—and can do—anything.”
—George Elliott Clarke, The Chronicle Herald
“This poem—“38 Michigans”—is a quirky, intense elegy. It works so well, I think, because it makes fresh again an old and powerful basis of lament: one in which all the contours of ordinary reference and experience are forced into a new shape.”
—Eavan Boland, judge’s citation on awarding the Montreal International Poetry Prize.
“These poems are so packed with energy and weird precise knowing that you almost don’t notice the cumulative emotional groundswell building… Today’s Book of Poetry and our entire staff could simply not recommend a book any higher than this one. It is instant required reading.”
—Michael Dennis, Today’s Book of Poetry