
Sabyasachi Nag

ISBN 9781771262484

$17.00 CDN/USA 94 pages

Moving through geographies; through everyday bric-a-brac; through apparitions inherited and invented; through matters of flesh and make-believe this collection weaves portraits of violence, despair and bewilderment, generating a range of new relationships and meaning. Informed equally by circumstances of race, history and politics, each poem in the collection attempts to push language by playfully re-examining the old or by making new metaphors borne from narratives that are sometimes moral, religious, political and metaphysical. Uncharted is an urgent response to a world in conflict.

Sabyasachi Nag (Sachi) is the author of two previous collections of poetry: Bloodlines (Writers Workshop, 2006) and Could You Please, Please Stop Singing (Mosaic Press, 2015). He is a graduate of the Writer’s Studio at Simon Fraser University and Humber School for Writers. He lives in Mississauga, Ontario.

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