Nathaniel G. Moore ISBN 9781771262781 $18.00 CDN/USA 70 pages Constrictor piles shock on top of shock until all one can feel is the places where ones nerves are twitching liked downed Hydro wires. A long poem outlining the trauma and resolution of teenage sexual abuse acts as the centre piece for a collection which examines […]
Repointing the Bricks

Jacqueline Bourque ISBN 9781771262736 $18.00 CDN/USA 84 pages Repointing the Bricks inhabits and is inhabited. Examining the lasting impression that birthplace can have on those who eventually find refuge elsewhere, Jacqueline Bourque writes from multiple locations – both geographical and bodily – in pursuit of identity. Confident that home is often experienced as addition and […]
The Twisted Gardens/Les jardins tordus

Ollivier Dyens ISBN 9781771262767 $18.00 CDN/USA 70 pages The Twisted Gardens/Les jardins tordus is the exploration of an inverted creation, not that of the light that was, but that of the darkness in which everything exists. It is a journey through a territory of birth and viscera, animals and desire, spirits and metal. Written simultaneously […]
Changing Residence—New and Selected Poems

Corrado Paina ISBN 9781771262774 $20.00 CDN/USA 140 pages Changing Residence documents the conflicts and resolutions of a restless writer who has spent a lifetime traveling the world to document what he finds there. Raised in Italy, with its old-world perspective, and settled in Canada amid the babel of its grand multicultural experiment, Paina’s poetry, over […]
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario Canada ISBN 9781771262569 $35.00 CDN/USA 94 pages This is a book that documents the immense contribution of the Italian Canadian business community to the social, cultural and economic prosperity of Toronto and the GTA. Covering the economic developments, trends and changes from the 20th century until today, Yesterday, Today […]

Sabyasachi Nag ISBN 9781771262484 $17.00 CDN/USA 94 pages Moving through geographies; through everyday bric-a-brac; through apparitions inherited and invented; through matters of flesh and make-believe this collection weaves portraits of violence, despair and bewilderment, generating a range of new relationships and meaning. Informed equally by circumstances of race, history and politics, each poem in the […]
Recovery Community

Conor Mc Donnell ISBN 9781771262606 $17.00 CDN/USA 84 pages Recovery Community explores intimate connections between deftly-layered moments of trauma illness and loss. This collection of poems, shot through with personal and professional experiences from physician-poet Conor Mc Donnell, recruits actors addicts and artists to a Greek-chorus rallying call: first-time experimenters are serenaded by the drugs […]
This is About Angels, Women, and Men

Chantel Lavoie ISBN 9781771262446 $17.00 CDN/USA 100 pages This Is About Angels, Women, and Men separates women and men from the angels, even as it suggests they are one and the same. In sections titled Brothers, Sisters, Consorts, Offspring, and Refuse, Chantel Lavoie intimates that the familial can be more foreign than familiar. These relationships, […]
Love and Other Failed Religions

Dane Swan ISBN 9781771262682 $17.00 CDN/USA 118 pages “There is no messiah here.” The most popular religion on earth was founded by a Jewish man who travelled the Roman Empire. He allegedly challenged religious leaders while preaching the importance of love. He was persecuted in his time, but eventually his preachings flourished. Centuries later (in […]
Each Blossom Makes Horses Tremble

Glen Downie ISBN: 9781771262521 $17.00 CDN/USA 98 Pages You can understand this by breathing on a mirror. What are these writings? Aphorisms? Cryptic telegrams? The sound of one hand clapping? Perhaps all the above. In Each Blossom Makes Horses Tremble, his second collection working with the given, Glen Downie presents fractured versions of success in human […]