Mansfield authors in February 2014
Some wonderful events coming up this month for authors with books from Mansfield Press. Check out these listings, for B.C., Ontario, and Québec! And stay tuned for news about our spring launches… MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 7 PM — COBOURG, ONTARIO Stuart Ross launches his eighth poetry collection, Our Days in Vaudeville, collaborations with 29 other […]
Mansfield author events this month
Happy New Year! This cold, cold January is a busy month for Mansfield authors. Here’s the lineup. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 10 PM — EVERYWHERE Jim Smith, author of Back Off, Assassin! and Happy Birthday, Nicanor Parra, appears on Nik Beat’s radio program Howl CIUT 89.5 FM or TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 7 PM — HALIFAX Alice […]
Mansfield’s Launch Schedule for December
Mansfield Press invites you — yes, you! — to the launch of its fall titles Here is what you get: POETRY – Complete Surprising Fragments of Improbable Books, by Stephen Brockwell – What The World Said, by Jason Camlot – Monkey Soap, by Glen Downie – Our Days in Vaudeville, by Stuart Ross & 29 […]
The Mansfield Four

From left: Sarah Dearing, Paula Eisenstein, Jason Heroux and Jim Smith at the Mansfield fall 2012 launch at the Monarch Tavern in Toronto, November 5. The readings were fabulous, the crowd was warm and responsive, book sales were brisk! Many thanks to everyone who came out! (Photo by Stuart Ross)