Pier Giorgio Di Cicco

ISBN 1-894469-32-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-894469-32-6

with a preface by Charles Landry

In Municipal Mind, Toronto’s Poet Laureate offers a blueprint for building sustainable cities in a global era, predicated on city soul. By weaving bold and savvy strategies for urban creativity and civic prosperity, together with a reasoned appeal for mutual respect, understanding and interaction among citizens, he persuades us that – in the delicate balancing of universal values and individual needs – cities can do far, far better. Municipal Mind offers up a whole new way of civic being and thinking that puts wonder before commerce and nothing before human encounter.

Municipal Mind is now available to municipalities and large organizations at a special discount for bulk orders. Contact info@mansfieldpress.net for more information.

Praise for Municpal Mind

“This work is a beautifully crafted set of chatauquas that only a philosopher gifted with the power of poetry could deliver. It is an exhortation against the pathology of rules for the sake of control and an impassioned and eloquent plea for embracing the wonder of the random. Required reading for all citizens of the city.”

Ted Tyndorf, Chief Planner of the City of Toronto

“The wonderful ideas that are in this book about passion and art will swim around in your brain poking at old beliefs and testing core ideas about cherished places, how they work and how they can be catalysts for renewing your neighborhood or even your entire city. GET and READ!”

Fred Kent, Principal, Project for Public Spaces, New York

“If only our political voices could approach the honesty and clarity in the work of this volume, we would be on our way to re-invent, resuscitate, re-charge the greatest of human endeavour – citizenship in our contemporary city.”

Bruce Mau, author of Massive Change

“His view is fresh air that rises above the fetid self-absorption and self-referential miasma that so characterizes the celebration of creativity in cities today.

Joel Kotkin, author of The City: A Global History


Review of Pier Giorgio Di Cicco’s Municipal Mind in Canadian Literature (from Winter 2008)

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