The Last Thing Standing

Ann Shin

ISBN 1-894469-03-8

$12.95 CDN
64 pp

In The Last Thing Standing, Shin pulls away floors and ceilings in a thoughtful meditation on the concept of home. From the many lives contained within four walls of a house, to the mortar and beams that keep it standing, she is a telling witness to the love, anger, and poignant solitudes that form the spaces we inhabit and make our own.

Praise for The Last Thing Standing

“Shin’s precise imagery, her familiar but refreshing descriptions, and her ultimately daring focus on the intimate make The Last Thing Standing a worthy debut, full of promise.”

– The Antigonish Review

“The best of these poems are as good as any written by a Canadian this year…in it’s own way, Shin’s is not just a good book, it’s a memorable one.”

– eye magazine

“In a clean and evocatively designed first solo collection…Shin writes of the smaller moments: of sidewalks and kitchens, domestic matters, or walking through Chinatown.”

– Prairie Fire

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