P oet Jason Heroux is making surrealism a household word with his third full-length collection, Natural Capital!

Fellow Kingston writer Merilyn Simonds recently profiled Jason for the Kingston Whig-Standard.

Bruce Kauffman of Finding a Voice did an in-depth interview with Jason on Kingston’s community radio station, CFRC, where Jason also gave a generous reading from his new work.

And now Jason’s been interviewed by Kingston lit-blogger Jay Miller on the always-lively and eclectic literatured website. Says Jason:

We live in a bizarre world. And surrealism is like a jellyfish in the literary oceans. It will survive. Future generations may not want to consume it or keep it as a pet, but it’ll find a way to sting them nonetheless.

Some days I don’t even see myself as a surrealist, but rather a realist describing a surreal world. I’ve stuck with this mode because it allows me a chance to fuse contrary, opposing elements into harmonious unions. Our world is full of warring factions divided against each other, and our everyday reality is loaded with contradictions: our foods poison us, our financial systems are nearing bankruptcy, our medicine makes us sick. I try to reflect all that in a small trembling mirror.




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