F orthcoming this spring from Mansfield Press is George Bowering’s 103rd (we think) book! Teeth: Poems 2006–2011 is a roller-coaster of forms, moods, and subject matter — and one of George’s most exciting poetry collections yet.
And there’s a bonus: the book ends with a lengthy interview of Bowering by poet Judith Fitzgerald. It’s recommended reading for Bowering fans and for anyone interested in Canadian poetry. Here’s an excerpt:
Poetry has become more and more marginalized. In a world in which Lindsay Lohan has replaced Samuel Beckett, in which Don whatzisname, the hockey violence guy with the loud jackets, is on television and George Walker’s plays are not, the writers’ festivals and the newspapers have decided that poetry is entertainment and competition, that costumed people who say with pride that they don’t read what’s in the library stand up and recite clichés about their personal rebellion.
Stay tuned for the launch of Teeth, as well as new books by David W. McFadden, Peter Norman, and Priscila Uppal!