Ever since the cover of RPM and some of her poetry was used in Charlie Kaufman’s film, “I’m thinking of ending things,” Eva’s book has been sold around the world. It just goes to show how many people pay attention to film in general and Charlie Kaufman in particular. On September 12, Eva will be […]
Candace de Taeye on the longlist for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award!

Candace de Taeye Special 20% off. $18.00 is now $14.40 Can/US It’s April, it’s National Poetry Month, it’s getting warmer, and the League of Canadian Poets will soon hand out their annual awards. There are a lot of great books here on the longlists, including Candace deTaeye’s _Pronounced / Workable._ It is up for […]
Corrado Paina sells out

Well, not artistically at least. He will be presenting his new book, Changing Residence at the Italian Cultural Institute at 6:30 pm on January 19. Ticket reservations for this (free) event were gone the day they were posted but you never know, there may be some room left if they have any last minute cancellations. […]
Last Night at the Monarch Tavern

Stephen Brockwell reading from his latest book, Immune to the Sacred. Last night we launched six books at the Monarch Tavern and the place was packed. The writers all gave great readings and book sales were brisk. It was so gratifying to see so many people come out to support the writers and the press. […]
Fishing off the company dock at Mansfield

It may seem like Mansfield is fishing off the company dock when the first notice of The Sleep Orchard, by Amy Dennis, is written by rob mclennan, who also has a book out with Mansfield this year. But this review is really just a continuation of the work rob does all year long—documenting the small press […]
Panel discussion in Guelph with Candace de Taeye

On Friday November 25th Candace de Taeye will be participating in a panel discussion with other writers on their experience in the Canadian book world. It’s a Gordon Hill Press book launch so it isn’t a launch for Candace’s new book Pronounced / Workable. She’s there to talk (and probably will talk about her […]
What’s WOTS Pop Up

If you are in Toronto September 25th you can take part in the inaugural Word on the Street Pop-Up at the Evergreen Brickworks. This fantastic venue is located at 550 Bayview Avenue and makes a perfect outing for families and book lovers. The marketplace is chock full of great Canadian publishers and there is a […]
Jim Nason at the Art Bar August 30th

Jim Nason will be reading from Blue Suitcase, his latest book of poetry, at the venerable Art Bar on August 30. Manahil Bandukwala is the other featured writer and there will be an open mic for those with something to say. The start time is 7 pm at Clinton’s, which is located at 693 Bloor […]
Shannon Quinn at the Art Gallery of Hamilton

On June 2nd Shannon Quinn will be reading from her latest book, Mouthful of Bees as part of the LitLive reading series at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. Featured writers include Margaret Nowaczyk, Genevieve Chornenki, Chris Banks, Erin Moure and MLA Chernoff. You can see Shannon live or virtually starting at 7 pm. Login details are here: https://www.artgalleryofhamilton.com/program/lit-live-2022/