Jason Heroux ISBN 978-1-894469-90-6 $16.95 CDN / US 64 pp Natural Capital is “the untapped raw material and natural resources that a country holds” and it is “the land, air, water, living organisms and all formations of the Earth’s biosphere that provides us with ecosystem goods and services imperative for survival and well-being” and it […]
Flip Turn

Paula Eisenstein ISBN 978-1-894469-82-1 $19.95 CDN / US 194 pp In Paula Eisenstein’s spare and provocative first novel, a young girl must come to terms with the discovery that her brother killed a young girl. Feeling alienated and not knowing how to ask for help, she decides that suppressing her sexual development will ensure she […]
The Art of Sufficient Conclusions

Sarah Dearing ISBN 978-1-894469-78-4 $19.95 CDN / US 230 pp The Art of Sufficient Conclusions is a genre-bending chronicle of one woman’s obsession to comprehend the slippery nature of truth. It’s a compelling literary mash-up of fiction, memoir, and archival material, tracing the complex processes of personal identity, belief and the creation of art itself. […]
Happy Birthday Nicanor Parra

Jim Smith ISBN 978-1-894469-86-9 $16.95 CDN / US 104 pp Happy Birthday, Nicanor Parra is Jim Smith’s most extreme book yet. Bursting with anti-translations, non-stories, tiny lyrics and extended dictations, it is part birthday gift-bag, part writer’s memento mori. Smith takes hero worship, the urge to list, the longing for just a few more words […]
What’s the Score?
David W. McFadden ISBN 13: 978-1-894469-62-3 $19.95 CDN/US 150 pp The often outrageous and always wise follow-up to 2008’s Governor General’s Award–nominated Be Calm, Honey shows David W. McFadden at his most inquisitive and provocative. Here you’ll find ninety-nine poems full of surprises by a Canadian long-distance poet in his sixth decade of writing, a […]
Sympathy Loophole

Jaime Forsythe ISBN 13: 978-1-894469-74-6 $16.95 CDN/US 62 pp This lively first collection, often both creepy and hilarious, serves up an image-laden universe — the sideshow we call home — where contortionists, womanizing ventriloquist dummies, and pickled sharks compete with the everyday for the mark’s hard-earned buck. Jaime Forsythe’s poetry is loaded with wit, mystery, […]

Alice Burdick ISBN 13: 978-1-894469-70-8 $16.95 CDN/US 80 pp In her follow-up to 2008’s Flutter, former big-city-dweller Alice Burdick explores nature and the small town, taking a cue from children learning their voices: “All I see are trucks, / trucks and ducks.” With a blend of playful narrative and an Ashberyesque collage approach, Burdick paints […]
In This Thin Rain
Nelson Ball ISBN 13: 978-1-894469-66-1 $16.95 CDN/US 82 pp In his first full-length poetry collection since 2004, Nelson Ball, Canada’s most renowned minimalist, offers up compressed meditations — ranging from the whimsical to the mournful — on clouds, birds, insects, trees live and dead, water-stained walls, crumbling windmills, and hyphenation. Ball’s poems are meticulously polished gems that move through […]